Monday, September 26, 2011

When the Mountains get Snow, You Buy Boots!

Sorry it has been so long since I've updated this jammity jam... I dedicate this post to Jessica Kohnert for reminding me to update. :)

So, I've been using Jaime's bike rather than Issa's... and it's much better, but here is the update on lessons learned:
1) Tight pants lead to sore hips
2) Back packs cause back sweat
3) DJ Pogo and Gaga provides the perfect soundtrack
4) Hills are horrendous (though I already knew this)
5) Google Maps hates Anchorage
6) Animals... like Moose... are sometimes 10 ft off the trail... and you don't realize it until they are like... right there.

So fun story about Number 5 & 6.  So I was going to this meeting thing (which I'll update you about in a hot second) and I looked up directions on Google Maps (woof) and, as usual, I got lost.  But at least I'm getting good enough on my own that I was able to find my way without calling Issa (yay, progress!).  Well, while I was riding down this trail that was taking me no where close to where I wanted to go, I looked to my right and what do I see?  A GIANT MOOSE AND HER BABY CHILLING 10 FT OFF THE TRAIL!  This is real life people.  Moose are cool, word, but seeing a giant beast that could easily trample me if I cheesed her off that up close and personal... that's a whole nother story.  I seriously almost fell off my bike.  +5 Alaskan points.

Okay, so the meeting I was going to!  This blog is a little out of order, but bare with me- it's how my brain is functioning right now.  I have officially joined the campaign for One Anchorage!  If you Kalamazoo folks remember a couple years (or last year?) back when One Kalamazoo was going on, it's kind of the same concept of what is trying to get passed here.  Basically, right now there is no protection set in stone for the LBGT community in regards to being fired for being gay or getting kicked out of housing because of their sexual orientation, hate crimes, etc.  This is true for most cities across the nation, but many, like Kalamazoo did, are changing their bilaws to ensure the safety of our community.  Anchorage actually had this law passed by their City Commision (the Assembly), but when it got to the Mayor's desk (Dan Sullivan... everyone together now... BOOOO! HISSSS!!!), he turned it down.  Unfortunately the Assembly did not have the majority vote for the law when it came back to them afterward, so it was taken off the table.  Now, I am joining the campaign (coincidentally named the same as One Kalamazoo's) to get the law put on the ballot for the next election.  If the signatures are collected and the law passes with a majority vote from the people of Anchorage, then there is nothing Danny Sully can do.  Boo ya!

I'm very excited to be working on the campaign.  Issa, Jaime, and I will all be helping with it- and there are some awesome trainings and experiences that will be great for us to take away from it!  By the end we will all be certified to register people to vote, have major connections with some big names in Anchorage politics, and get training from a three-day Campaigning Boot Camp!  Issa's literally wetting herself over the fact she's going to be getting so much campaigning training and I'm excited that I'm actually excited about something political!  I normally hate politics and stay as far away as possible, but this has really got me fired up and I'm excited to do some major work with the campaign.

So that is one of the many things I'm getting involved with here.  Just adding more and more to my plate... I don't know when to stop! :)

The Youth Summit is continuing to go well.  We met again today and have three weeks to get this puppy finished!  I made a lot of calls to recruit students and I was amazed at how receptive the different school districts were to the Summit!  We've already gotten a lot of interest back from students... although still haven't seen any applications... merp.  We're keeping out fingers crossed and our hopes high that we'll have a good turn out.  I've become the point person for Ice Breakers/Community Building (surprised?) as well as the Story Boarding/Personal Stories.  I think the Story Boarding/Personal Stories is going to challenge me a bit.  I've got lots of ideas to bring to the table, but it's a much more passive/reserved activity for what I normally do, so wish me luck!

At "work" things are starting to pick up.  This week I will be facilitating my first theatre activity with the students!  I'm thinking we'll play a few pantomime games and possibly Hook-Up Tag.  This is for me to recruit as many of the students as possible for the "Theatre Club" that I will be running every Tuesday starting the second week of October.  This past Thursday I went in to help and ended up running the art activity with Zack (one of the counselors at the site- great guy!) and ended up speaking in accents with the students for a majority of the day.  They were loving it and all of us were having a blast!  These kids have some majorly creative minds and I'm hoping this Theatre Club can give them a good outlet.

I have also typed up a document that will be turned into a binder filled with (right now) 67 theatre games for future counselors and camp directors to refer to.  I'm hoping this way more of the programs can incorporate theatre into their activities.  Right now it seems that art projects and sports games are a majority of the activities.  There is also music and dance when the kids show interest and lead it or one of the counselors have specific training.  Theatre, though, is something a lot of the kids would like to do, but the counselors don't have the know-how to lead activities for them.  My "boss" has let me know she's very excited about my self-motivation and ability to create jobs for myself that are proving very useful for the organization.  I think that means I'm doing good. :)

As stated before, I love this "job" and I put it in quotes because it doesn't feel like work.  I feel like I'm going in, hanging with friends, playing with kids, and laughing my butt off!  I even get attacked by nerf guns every about 3 times a week... again... the ideal work environment.

Last weekend, Issa and I hike up Wolverine Peak Trail.  The hike was fun and the view where we stopped was EPIC!  The trail was pretty easy until the last half mile... which was pretty much straight up and proved how out of shape I am.  We only did half the trail, but where we stopped to take a break before going back down was on a boulder on the side of the mountain looking down on the city of Anchorage and Inland Sea.  The fall colors and beautiful weather really made for a breathtaking view.  On the way back down Kolsch was dragging me all over... and the uneven terrain definitely proved to me how desperately I need to purchase hiking boots.  Wooflez.

This weekend, Issa and I went SHOPPING!  I got a couple new sweaters, a new hoodie, my winter boots, a new belt, a (typical Alaskan) flannel and NEW TENNIES!  All for super duper cheep!  The boots were about $90 (normally the type of boots I got are around $140), the clothes all came from JC Penny (I finally used all my money I won from the online contest... it seriously lasted me this long... legit.  And we had coupons to save $20 after you spend $80.  We both used it... saved us $40... and everything was on sale... our total savings was over $150.  Boom.), and the Nikes came from Famous Footwear, only $35.  Best shopping ever.

It gets better, if you think all those new clothes were enough... you are wrong.  We then went to Value Villiage (Anchorage's version of Goodwill) and I got myself an awesome deer sweatshirt, tangerine snow pants, a pleather/snake skin vest, and a new lamp.  My room is bright and my fashion for this winter impeccable.  Good things happening.

I am beginning to realize how long it has been since I updated this, I'm so sorry to bombard you with such a long entry... but there's more.  :)

This past week, my friend Jo (who speaks fluent Spanish and we often make her read directions, books, and whatever else we can find to us in Spanish because it sounds so sexy) took me to a movie at the Bear's Tooth.  The Bear's Tooth is a Movie Theatre where you can order food and drinks while you watch the movie... so it's literally dinner and a movie.  They usually play movies that are just out of theaters, but not on video yet (like Miller Movies for my WMU friends).  The movie went to see though was part of the "Food Film Festival" which was a series of documentaries about the many issues with our American Food Distribution System.  The movie was called "Ingredients" and if you ever get the chance to see it, I recommend it.  It is very eye opening to realize how much local food is available all around us and how much better it is for you!  I didn't realize how much packaged food we eat until I saw that movie.  I went to the store afterward and was literally like "Holy cow."  I was in awe of how much canned and shrink wrapped foods there were.  Then I started reading where they came from... California to Indiana to Texas... to South America!  I mean, all of this food that is often grown in Alaska is being shipped too Alaska in cans.  Literally blows my mind.  Needless to say, I've started researching Farmer's Market- and fun story- next weekend if you buy $20 worth of goods with your Food Stamps, they'll give you an additional $20 worth of food!  AWESOME SAUCE!!!

Jaime and I also made Owl cuppy cakes the other day.  Oh yes, Hello Cupcake follows me everywhere I go!  We baked them for her friend's birthday, but then ended up giving them away to other friends.  I took them into work- huge hit.  We handed them off to the birthday boy- huge hit.  We gave a couple to our friend Kris- huge hit.  Gave one to Jo- huge hit.  Cuppy Cakes bring joy to lives, I love them... and we have officially decided that Cuppy Cake making will be our House Warming Party activity.  Boom, best idea ever.

Then we made Heart Attack Bars (Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats with Chocolate on top).  They were delicious... once they were done.  But making those puppies led to a major casualty.  I was mixing the Rice Krispies and Delicious Fat Sauce together and definitely snapped the spoon I was using to stir it in half.  That stuff got thick and sticky REAL QUICK.  So here I am trying to stir these Rice Krispies with a half spoon and didn't realize I cut my finger on the spoon.  Moral of the story, may have gotten a little blood in the mix... oops!  I'm clean I promise!!!

So the dessert is finished and we're waiting for it to cool.  Jo came over and we, of course, were enjoying some Mexican beers in her honor when Jaime got up to open a new beer.  She taught me how to open beers without a bottle opener (makes me feel so manly), so we were using the broken handle from the spoon.  We're all hanging out when suddenly we hear "SNAP!" and "Awe crap!"  We looked over and Jamie broke the spoon even more and a piece of plastic went flying through the air.  We're all laughing and she tries again... snaps again... plastic flies.  You'd think she'd learn, but nope.  One more time, plastic straight to the eyes (thank goodness for glasses), and the handle is destroyed... beer is still capped.  Plastic Spoon: 1, Jaime: 0.  This might not be very funny as you're reading this as it was a "had to of been there" kind of story, but it's making me giggle just thinking about it! :P

Goodness me, what else?  Went out to the bar last night with some friends... Karaoke seems to be following me everywhere I go.  Haha!  Issa and I sang "Don't Stop Me Now" (paired with the dance, of course) last weekend and this weekend I sang "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy" (I think) with Miss D.  The night was super fun- tons of awesome people, great dancing, great atmosphere, and delicious Taco Bell on the ride home.  It's so good to be back with Issa and Jaime, we always have so much fun together and I just LOVE being with them!  They be my best friends.

This week I'll be going to another gay meeting called The Family.  It's basically the OUTspoken of University of Anchorage Alaska, but it is open to the community as well.  My friend Kris, who is also on the political campaign and Youth Summit Planning Committee, as well as a fellow Americorps volunteer, invited me.  I've got high hopes for it.  It's so cool to be able to invest so much of myself into groups and activities that I am passionate about and that are doing such worthy things.  I did a lot of leadership activities and involvement stuff at WMU, but I never really got invested in the LBGT community.  I've really dived in head first in Anchorage, and I'm loving it so far.  I've never felt more loud and proud in my life!  Haha!  The best part though is that I don't feel like these events and groups I'm helping with are a "Let's be gay to be gay," kind of attitude, it's a "We're gay, great.  Now let's do something worthwhile."  Everyone I'm working with has a huge heart and a passion to help others.  I've said it once, I'll say it again: Good things happening.

Well, I'mma leave it at that for now.  I gotta get to bed if I want to wake up for "work" in the morning.  If you're reading this, I likely love you and miss you!  While Alaska is feeling more and more like home every day... it's still no K-Town or Zoo.

Alaska Fun Fact: The lowest recorded temperature was read in Tanana at -78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Things Done for America!

Sorry I've been so bad at keeping this updated, I forget when I write in my personal journal, that doesn't automatically update my Journal for friends.  Merp!

Well, as I stated before, Alaska is epic.  I even got some sunny days this past weekend to frolic around in!  (Literally, frolic.  Get the picture in your head... Eric at age 5 in a 23 year old's body.  Save that for your next rainy day.)  It's been kind of like Michigan with a series of freezing days followed by a couple warm days, back into rain and shivers.  So, that's making Alaska really feel like home!

I'm done with my week of training and had my official first day of work at Campfire USA today!

Training was fun.  Felt like some of it was like, "Why is this taking so much longer than it should...?" But then the fact I was in Alaska meeting new people would kick in and I would stop minding the lapses in activity.  Fun story: I am now Wilderness and Remote First Aid Certified!  So if we are ever stuck in the arctic tundra together, I know how to prevent hypothermia... assuming we have a space blanket, tarp, 2 sleeping bags, and rope.  More importantly, I know what essentials to pack when going hiking or backpacking!  I'm starting to feel super Alaskan.

There are three others with SAGA based in Anchorage: Hannah, Kelly, and Tikaan (sweetest name ever, right?)  However, I'll only be working with them once or twice a month on different SAGA specific trainings and meetings.  At most times we will each be at our independent host sites (mine being Campfire USA!).

So, onto Campfire.  Okay, for all of you that know me, think of an entire office of 20 people who are all as excited, bubbly, and positive as I am and you can picture Campfire USA's office.  Just going around and introducing myself to everyone in the office today, it was impossible to get far without people taking a genuine interest in where I'm coming from, what brought me to Alaska, and learning at least 3 facts about me.  They were talking about how much they love to pull pranks on each other, play games through the workday, and love the flexibility of work hours in the office.  I mean, I have never felt like I fit into a group of individuals more perfectly in my life!

I share an office with this awesome chica, Carrie... but I cannot for the life of me remember the title of her position. haha!  So far, she seems pretty awesome.  We are making big plans for decorations for the office since it is pretty empty right now.  Fun fact: both our favorite color is blue!  Fun fact #2: My first (self assigned) duty is making door decs for everyone's office since no one's name is posted outside their door (and I am horrible with names).  I just can't kick that semester of RA off of me! Haha!

After getting acquainted with the office, Melanie (one of my direct supervisors) took me out to one of the after school program locations!  I was really excited to meet the kids, but was definitely nervous about what type of rules and structure they ran with their program.  I was hesitant to be too strict or too lax with the kids, so I took a bit of a back seat and observer approach to the day.  She really encouraged me to delve in at different times, but also was understanding with my hesitancy.  Melanie is absolutely amazing with helping me adjust and get comfortable in the action.  She gave me simple tasks while walking me through the set up of their program.  I'll tell you what, these guys have got their act TOGETHER!  All of the hired counselors are college age or older, have the process down to a science, and know how to control those kids in a room that is not well equipped for an after school program, and are zero BS.  The kids are kids, but for an after school program, I thought they were able to keep them at an easily controllable level for the entire time I was there.  I was wildly impressed with their organization and teamwork!

Part of my job will include me doing research on what I can bring to the different after school programs around the area.  Melanie and every counselor I have talked to is very excited about my theatre background and it looks like one of the things I will likely do is start a weekly theatre program that I will take to the different sites.  I'll lead the activities for the day and give the counselors a break for one day a week at least.  I'm really excited to see how I can engage the kids and give them a new flair to the program!

Oh my goodness... this is such a long entry, but I have so much to update you all on!

I had my first Anchorage biking experience today.  Rough... let. me. tell. you.  To help you understand, I have created a pros and cons list, it is as follows:

Pro: Helps me get in shape!
Con: I'm amazingly out of shape.
Pro: I get to spend time outdoors!
Con: Freezing rain.
Pro: Saves money!
Con: Flat tires.
Pro: Issa is letting me use her bike!
Con: Bike is way too small for Eric.
Pro: Anchorage has tons of bike trails!
Con: Bike trails are easy to get lost on surpisingly.
Pro: Anchorage is biker friendly!
Con: Anchorage is hilly. (Take the Bernhard Center hill, and put 5 of them in a row.)
Pro: Downtown isn't too far away!
Con: Semi-trucks+big puddles-dry clothes.
Pro: Work is 2.5 miles away- super close!
Con: No bike rack.
Pro: Biking is eco-friendly!
Con: Paths are bumpy and bumps cause a sore bum.

So as you can see, riding my bike has been a mixed feelings experience.  I'm going to try Jaime's bike tomorrow and see if that one treats me better, invest in some cheep rain gear, and plan to bring a change of clothes to work every day... and I think it will take a more positive spin. :)

Yay, biking!

Okay, last thing- I promise!  Issa, Jaime, and I have joined the planning committee for an LBGT Youth Summit coming to Alaska.  I literally joined this 3 days after coming into Anchorage (I seriously don't know how to take a break).  So far it seems like it's going to be amazing.  The event is October 14th (AKA: VERY SOON!!!) and there is a committee of about 10 of us planning the day summit for students ages 14-18 in middle school and high school.  The committee we are working with is probably one of the most organized and most "get-things-done" oriented group I have ever worked with.  In Fall Welcome we worked quick and efficiently, but I really wish we'd have had some of the organizational techniques that we have used thus far in this planning process, because they are such HUGE time savers and really get creative juices and brainstorming to take flight.  Thomas, the individual heading each of the meetings, is a blast to work with.  He exudes positive energy and thinking.  He checks in with each of us at every meeting to see what our concerns and optimistic views are and then directly addresses each opinion.  Overall: amazing leader.  The best part though: We don't have "that asshole" anywhere in the group.  We all are business, fun, business and no B.S. talking for hours about something that doesn't matter.  Everyone knows what they want to say, and they say it efficiently and effectively.  Everyone has a completely unique background, so each person brings the perfect ingredient to the team to ensure that everyone is covered.  We've got everything from fun-games-planner me to psychological specialist Jaime to Alaskan Connections central Felix.  I mean, everyone brings something no one else can.  It really is a unique and awesome group of people.  I'm stoked to see what we are able to create for these deserving youth!

Lastly (I promise) MY BEDROOM!  I've got it all set up!  Check out the pictures below. :)  So, if you're wondering how to decorate a room when you are not able to bring any wall decorations, posters, or shenanigans with you, here is the solution!  Find a table cloth and use your clothes!  Sure, it kind of looks like the display window of a Hollister, but at least it brings color and depth to an otherwise boring white wall.  I'm happy with it all! :)

So, I'll leave you with a few pictures.  This post is being put up a few days late cuz I was having problems uploading pictures... so pretend this was posted, like, two days ago. :)

Nancy Lake: I spent the night with my fellow Americorps friends at a cabin right on this beautiful lake the last two days of training. :)

Nancy Lake Part Deux, you can see mountains in the background!!!  They were way prettier in person... not to rub it in or anything. :)

A corner of my room: Items: Free Table Cloth that was covering a Free Chair (in yellow), scarves and hats, and Free Shower Curtain left in the house (in black) Total cost: $2.50 for push pins.  I tried uploading pictures of the rest of my room, but my computer is being dumb. I'll try in a later post! :)

Alaska Fun Fact: Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 for under 2 cents an acre!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed!!!

Well friends, the time has finally come- I AM IN ALASKA!!!  The good news: I'm already in love with this place.  The bad news: I only brought one pair of shoes and they got wet today.  Oh dear.

My journey went smooth!  I was amazed how not-bad the flight was from Chicago to Anchorage.  I mean, sure, by the end of it I was like, "okay this can be over."  But I lucked out with the emergency exit row and an empty seat next to me.  So my legs could stretch all the wanted without being in anyone's way!  Also, I got to sit by a mountain man who told me all about his hunting adventures around the world.  My lil heart went out to those poor mountain lions and grizzlies he shot down, but the adventures he got to go on seemed awesome and got my mouth watering for this year in Alaska!

When I landed, I was literally so tired and drained that when I saw Issa my insides were doing backflips but all my body could muster was a couple fists in the air and a giant grin.  That night Issa and Jaime headed out to the Alaskan state fair, but I took the evening to get comfy in the house and SLEEP!  The house we are staying in is great.  Huge living room, awesome kitchen with tons of counter space, and my bedroom is a pretty nice size!  We've got laundry right in the house and our bathroom has two sinks for the four of us.  Needless to say, I am a happy camper.  We already started hanging up the ridiculous amount of awesome posters and decorations and organizing the place.  I'm on the hunt for a free dresser and desk, but so far my Craig's List hunts have ended just a few minutes late of snatching up the goodies.

Today was the best day by far here!  Issa took Jaime and a friend out to take a 23 mile hike (crazy right?) at about 5am.  Well, I kept right on napping until around 11 when we got ready and with with Issa's friend (and now my friend- woo for making friends!) to a mile hike to a suspended cart above a rapid-y creek.  (I say rapid-y because I think my definition of rapids and the Alaskan definition of rapids is different.  So I'll call it rapid-y.)  The weather was rainy, the ground was muddy, and I was wearing glasses... but everything was BEAUTIFUL!  We were actually hiking through Alaska's very own RAIN FOREST!  Can you believe Alaska has a rain forest?  But it's true!  We came across a HUGE mushroom.... biggest I've ever seen!  After the mile hike we came up to the suspended wire cart and Issa and I jumped in and pulled ourselves halfway across the clearing so we could chill above the water.  It was absolutely beautiful and amazing.

It's crazy to go from growing up in the flatlands of Bay City to living in mini-city Kalamazoo for all my lift to here.  Mountains are the background for the main road to get back to my new home, I can hike trials just outside the city that are filled with creeks, waterfalls, and luscious plant life, and the scenic highway literally runs between the mountains and the ocean.  Ugh, it's just so awe-inspiring for this little town boy from the valley.

After the beautiful hike and getting completely drenched and covered in mud, Issa took me to a friend's house for a small dinner fiesta!  We had burritos and played board games and Wii Mario Kart.  Everyone there was absolutely awesome.  The food was delicious and them peeps had me rolling the the floor bustin' my gut.  We even played Egyptian Ratscrew (which I haven't gotten to play in FOREVER) and I won!  It's already seeming like the group of people I'll be hanging with this year, the adventures I'll be going on, and the memories I'm going to be making will be some that will change me for the better, open my eyes, and stick with me forever.

Now I'm just about to hit the hay, because this time zone shift is still messing with my internal clock.  I start work with Americorps tomorrow at 9am!  I cannot wait for this orientation and (hopefully it's still on) backpacking trip with my new crew.  Miss you Kalamazoo and WMU, but this Bronco's gotta bounce!

Love, love, love to all my support from friends and family, it means the world!!!

Alaska Fun Fact: Over half the world's glaciers are in Alaska!