Saturday, June 18, 2011

Moment of Clarity

You know how sometimes something happens, and you're kind of like, "oh that happened."  But then like a week like you're like "Holy Monkeys!!!! That just happened!"  That happened to me this week.

Okay, I've had a lot of people congratulating me lately.  And I've been in contact with my bosses for this next year and been filling out the forms that are necessary, and even contacting potential roommates for next year.  But I had a moment tonight.  Cesar Carrizales, while I was hanging at my friend's house asked me what I was doing next year and I go, "Alaska!"

He goes, "Alaska?!  Awesome, what for?"

And I explained it all and just kept repeating, "Yeah, I'm so stoked, it's going to be awesome, but yeah, but yeah, but yeah."  And that's when it hit me.  Holy crap, I'm going to Alaska!  After four year in Kalamazoo and 23 years in Michigan... I'M GOING TO ALASKA!

I came home, looked at my past profile pictures and finally really looked at the map and said to myself, "you know, this is the first time I've really looked at Alaska as a real location and land that I would place my feet on."  I began thinking about he plane ride, the city, and the mountains and I am literally placing myself on a whole new area of the globe.  Who knew I'd ever get there!  But in 3 months, Alaska is mine.

So, signing out... this is my wake up call. :D

Alaska Fun Fact: The Alaska State Mammal, adopted in 1998 is the Moose.

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